Saturday, July 05, 2008
Word Needed
Here are some of the attitudes:
- Government, and society in general, should be sympathetic to the problems of the owners and managers of businesses. Business enterprises provide the main source of employment and income to the people. What is good for business is good for the whole society.
- Business owners and managers should be as free as possible from restraints imposed by government and society. These restraints include taxes and regulations.
- American business enterprises compete with similar enterprises in other countries. We are in a global economy and our business enterprises should be able to compete without being hobbled by unique environmental and workplace safety regulations.
- Free trade promotes enterprises that produce goods and services for export as well as for import. This world-wide competition assures that American consumers are able to buy good products at low prices.
- Since the economy is global, a business enterprise must be free to move its facilities to any part of the world where these facilities can be operated the most efficiently and profitably.
- Business enterprises must be free from the costly requirements of labor unions as well as costly government regulations. Labor is a commodity to be bought and sold just like any other. Requirements for job security, recognition of seniority, subsidized fringe benefits, retirement pensions, and the like amount to restraint of trade.
- The proper function of government is to facilitate business. Government should provide a stable currency, a stable financial system, a system of property records, protection of patents and other kinds of intellectual property, a combination of military and police forces to protect property from damage, and such infrastructure as highways, waterways, and other facilities for the transport of goods and services. To minimize the tax burden on business, government should be as small and efficient as possible.
The foregoing set of attitudes can not be called simply "conservative." Some of them are quite radical, contrary to many beliefs that we Americans have held since the colonial days. Many of the people who hold these views also hold views that can correctly be called "conservative."
Here's my challenge: tell me what word I should use to describe this set of attitudes. Perhaps a word already exists in the dictionary. On the other hand, perhaps a new word is needed. Be inventive. I need help.
Labels: conservative, liberal, pro-business