Friday, May 05, 2006


Changing the Subject

I go to a gym to work out several times a week. The gym is part of a community center. The exercise rooms are equipped with television sets, usually tuned to CNN or FOX News. Today I was watching CNN while walking on the treadmill. I noticed that the news person - I think his name is Lou Dobbs - was talking a lot about illegal immigrants. Now, of course, no one in his right mind advocates FOR illegal immigration. Illegal immigration is a crime. No one advocates deliberate violation of the nation's laws unless the laws are perceived to be unjust. One might advocate in favor of freeing slaves at a time when slavery was legal and slave owners had the right to recover lost or run-away slaves.

I digress from my point, which is that some in the news media seem to be giving the Bush Administration a helping hand by getting the public worked up over illegal immigration so that the public will take its collective mind off the mess the Administration has got us into in Iraq. I don't know whether it will work, but Mr. Dobbs seemed to be doing his best to change the subject.
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